1. Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos:
Proyectos creativos en la intersección del arte, la ciencia y la tecnología
Esta presentación está relacionada con el sonido, las artes mediales y el diseño de instrumentos musicales digitales. La programación creativa, el diseño interactivo y la fabricación digital ofrecen un medio abierto para la nueva generación de artistas, para que desarrollen sus ideas y puedan producir sus trabajos que se manifiestan de manera física y digital. El proceso de la creación de un instrumento, la composición y ejecución se unen en una sola práctica, ofreciendo un potencial sin precedentes y una libertad creativa en el ámbito musical, y además influenciando y contribuyendo a otras áreas de la ciencia y tecnología. Ejemplos de la creación artística de Alexandros en la intersección de arte, ciencia y tecnología serán presentados.
2. Olivia Kotsifa:
Impacto social y espacial usando bits, átomos y metodologías de diseño colaborativo
¿Pueden nuevas formas de colaboración, ayudar al diseño comunitario de estructuras para espacios públicos? ¿Cómo puede la tecnología ayudarnos a pasar más tiempo en espacios públicos abiertos?
En esta charla se conversaran ideas de diseño en un contexto de Fab Lab con una aproximación desde la creación colaborativa. Los Fablabs generalmente son vistos como plataformas de innovación donde se pueden materializar ideas y convertirlas en soluciones comerciales para privados, pero también pueden ser vistos como plataformas abiertas para nuevas formas de colaboración en el diseño y la innovación, apuntando hacia una forma alternativa de producción dirigida por los usuarios.
After having practiced as an architect in Athens and Barcelona for 4 years, Olivia joined the Cardiff School of Art and Design academic team enjoying lecturing at undergraduate and postgraduate level and researching in the fields of Digital Fabrication and interdisciplinary creative projects.
The 7 years of working for Cardiff Metropolitan University U.K., she has led and taught the Interior Architecture course, Architectural Design and Technology, Product Design, Maker and has offered multidisciplinary projects to students across the 7 courses of the Cardiff School of Art and Design. She has led educational trips in India and Berlin.
Olivia is the driving force behind Fab Lab Cardiff, a Fab Lab open to university students and the public, where she has based some of her hands-on courses such as a mini-fab academy for artists and designers with Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos.
While she is part of Decode Fab Lab Athens, she currently travels around South America for 3 months, doing her design projects in different Fab Labs.
Follow her art/design thoughts while travelling here:www.stiwdioeverywhere.com and on instagram: @stiwdioe
Alexandros is an academic, musician and artist, conducting transdisciplinary research and creating work at the intersection of art, science and technology. He has equally a scientific, engineering and musical background which is reflected into the nature of his creative practice and his techno-scientific exploration. After completing his PhD in 2008 in France, he joined Cardiff School of Art and Design at Cardiff Metropolitan University where he is currently Senior Lecturer. In this environment, he got exposed into the language and materials of visual arts, craft, design and architecture, which he assimilated in his work and thinking.
Alexandros over the last decade has written several academic publications, organised workshops, taught various modules related to computer music and sound art, and supervised theoretical and creative projects within the broader area of art and design. His artistic work, which includes audiovisual performances, installations and compositions, has been presented in Europe and in the US. The materials of his practice include sound, images, shadows, words, interaction, motion, digitally fabricated structures and 3D forms, composed algorithmically and physically. His research in the field of sound and music computing focuses principally on haptic musical interaction and on sound synthesis/processing by physical modelling. He is currently partner coordinator of the EU funded European Art Science Technology Network - Digital Creativity project.
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20 de Abril de 2018
Beaucheff 851, Santiago